
Affectionate peas

Chubs and Pudge pooh are really affectionate, Pudge pooh especially. I'm very glad they are. She thrives on kisses, hugs and snuggles. She runs to give hugs, turns her face up to be kissed, and likes to hold hands..when it suits her fancy, of course. Recently she wanted to hold the hand of the toddler boy here and when he pushed her hand away she got super mad. Dada just laughed and told her that she'd have to get used to boys rejecting her.
Chubs is a sweet older brother and gives her hugs and kisses. She likes to hold his hand and cackles when he jumps or dances with her.



Holding hands

1 件のコメント:

yumi さんのコメント...

Oh, Jason such a sweet brother.
Even his little sister cyotto give him bit of thaihen time!! lol